Human Castle
Executive Search
Recruitment Specialization:
• Technical Leadership
• Engineers / Technicians
• Software Developers
• Skilled Tradespeople
• Sales / Sales Managers
• Project Managers
• Unconventional Experts
• Generalist Recruitment
Expert Recruiters
First and foremost, we are expert recruiters. While interacting with our clients, we noticed that we are also a consulting firm. By providing key information, we help our clients make organizational decisions. Sometimes our information is extremely valuable, because it can only be obtained through countless hours of talent search and communications with potential candidates. The value of our information inspired us to create and publish Culture of Experts, our proprietary skills formula. Not only is it a completely free resource, it is a testament to our philosophies. Let us find you an expert today.
Culture of Experts is our free skills formula. It is written so that the reader can clearly ingest a large amount of information within a short period of time. Unlike most e-books, this information is condensed, void of fluff and filler. The content is not static and may be updated by us at any point in time. Readers are encouraged to recommend additional information or provide feedback for changes. Go to and explore.
Culture of Experts was developed for company leadership, hiring managers, HR professionals and corporate trainers. The concepts within this program are so powerful, it became necessary to create a sister website to facilitate employee training. We created for existing employees who are experts or aspiring experts. Within Culture of Experts, CareerSteady workshops are included as module #8 and readers are redirected to the CareerSteady website to check it out. Contact us for more information and access to the full website.
For companies who take advantage of the Culture Of Experts skills fromla, there may be some additional questions. Although, we do not yet conduct trainings, we are here to answer any questions regarding the content. As recruiters, we are always available to assist with any talent needs. Please do not hesitate to call us at (716) 222-3535 or e-mail
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